Brand Ambassadors

Brand Ambassadors

We are always looking to expand our team and let more people get involved in our company. we are pleased to announce our new Brand Ambassador program called BAP and stands for Brand Ambassador Program. 

How does it work?

We give you a custom prom code that will get customers who use it a 10% discount at checkout and we will pay you 10% of the total spent.

Who are Ambassadors?

These are individuals especially with a following or presence on social media and the list includes models, radio personalities, beauty queens, athletes, Dj’s & musicians.

What does they do?

Their job is to represents the brand to targeted customers in order to increase awareness, create a specific image, generate sales opportunities and build customer preference.

How do I promote my code?

We suggest by starting with close people, who you think can like our products. Let them know that you are a part of the team now and can get them a discount. many people chose to post photos along with their code to instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat or put in their bio. To tell you the truth it is totally up to you, how you achieve that and if you don't promote your code you don't get paid, simply as that. 

How do I get paid?

We pay through paypal, venmo or cash app. If you have another form of payment please contact us and we will see if we can use that method as well. We pay you as soon as your code is used.

Do I get free clothing?

Nope, only for the select or official ambassadors we see fit for the job, but every one can be that. All we can do for you is to also give you 10% discount, using your own code.

How do I start?

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours. If this is you or in need of more info on our program fill out the form below.